Subtitling World Cinema

Subtitling World Cinema

The Team

Sally Faulkner

Sally Faulkner is 1933 Professor of Spanish at the University of Cambridge, having previously held a personal chair in Hispanic Studies and Film Studies at the University of Exeter. She has published widely on Spanish cinema and TV, Portuguese film, and Film Studies. She is the author of Literary Adaptations in Spanish Cinema (Támesis-Boydell & Brewer, 2004), A Cinema of Contradiction: Spanish Film in the 1960s (Edinburgh UP, 2006; expanded Spanish version forthcoming, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2022) and A History of Spanish Film: Cinema and Society 1910-2010 (Bloomsbury Academic 2013; Spanish translation Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2017), studies that have framed this national cinema within questions of aesthetics and intermediality, politics and dissent, and social mobility and the middlebrow. She is Principal Investigator of the international research project ‘Invisibles e insumisas / Invisíveis e insubmissas: Leading Women in Portuguese and Spanish Cinema and Television, 1970-1980,’ funded by the British government through an Arts and Humanities Research Council grant, with Nuria Triana Toribio (University of Kent, U.K.) and Hilary Owen (University of Oxford, U.K.).

Ting Guo

Dr Ting Guo is Senior Lecturer at the University of Liverpool, having previously been Senior Lecturer in Translation (Chinese) at the University of Exeter. She is particularly interested in the pivotal role of translation in the reproduction and dissemination of knowledge as well as in social and political changes.

Her monograph, Surviving Violent Conflict: Chinese Interpreters in the Second-Sino Japanese War (1931-45) (2016) investigates how Chinese interpreters were recruited and deployed by the Chinese nationalist government, the Chinese Communisty Party and the Japanese forces during the Second-Sino Japanese War. It questions the institutionalized image of interpreter and interpreter training and highlights the multiple positiong of interpreters in reality and their border-crossing strategies.

Her AHRC-funded project “Dancing in Her Seven Veils: Revisiting the Salomé Craze in 1930’s Shanghai” examines the production and reception of the first Chinese Salomé play and explores how the image of Salomé was transformed into a cosmopolitan cultural product attractive to the middleclass audiences in Shanghai.

She is currently working on a project “Translating for Changes: Anglophone Queer Cinema and Chinese LGBT+ Movement”. This project explores the translation and use of Anglophone (North American, British, Australasian) queer cinema as a means of developing LGBT+ culture and rights in China.

Will Higbee

Will Higbee is Professor in Film Studies at the University of Exeter. His research focuses primarily on French and Francophone cinema, with a particular emphasis on immigrant and post-colonial cinema in France and the cinemas of the Maghreb. His research is also concerned with broader issues of national, transnational and diasporic cinema. He has published widely in these areas and has been invited to participate in film festivals and symposia in Europe, the USA, Hong Kong and North Africa. From 2006-14 he was an editor of the international peer-reviewed journal, Studies in French Cinema (now French Screen Studies) and now sits on the advisory board for the journal.

He is the author of Post-Beur Cinema (EUP, 2013) and co-editor of De-Westernizing Film Studies (Routledge, 2012). Between 2015-2018 he was the PI for an international research project on Transnational Moroccan Cinema funded by the AHRC. One of the outputs from this project was a monograph, Moroccan Cinema Uncut: Decentred Voices, Transnational Perspectives (EUP, 2020), co-authored by Higbee with Flo Martin and Jamal Bahmad. In 2019, Higbee secured following-on-funding for impact related activities linked to the original research project. This has led to the digitization and restoration of Door to the Sky (1989) a key film in the history of Moroccan cinema by pioneering feminist director Farida Benlyazid. As a result of this project, the film is being discovered by new international audiences through film festivals and online screenings.

Danielle Hipkins

Danielle Hipkins is Professor of Italian Studies and Film at the University of Exeter. She has written widely on gender representation in postwar Italian cinema, and published Italy’s Other Women: Gender and prostitution in postwar Italian cinema, 1940-1965 (Peter Lang, 2016). She was also co-editor of Prostitution and Sex Work in Global Cinema (Palgrave, 2017) with Kate Taylor-Jones. With Daniela Treveri Gennari, Catherine O’Rawe, Silvia Dibeltulo and Sarah Culhane she co-authored Italian Cinema Audiences: Histories and Memories of Cinema-going in Post-war Italy (Bloomsbury, 2020). She is now leading the AHRC-funded project A Girls’ Eye-view: Girlhood on the Italian screen since the 1950s (2021-2024) together with Romana Andò (Università La Sapienza).

External Advisors

Mark Cousins

Carol O’Sullivan